The Bible tells us that Jesus was silent as he went to his death.  When  he was brought before his own leaders and charged with a capital crime, he didn’t attempt to defend himself.  When he was taken to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, who had the power of life or death over him, Jesus did not argue for his innocence.  He went to his death without protest.  Why was he so quiet?

Jesus was quiet because he saw that everything was going according to plan.  He knew that everyone involved, even Judas who betrayed him, were acting according to the script.  He knew that it was God’s will that Jesus sacrifice his life.  Jesus didn’t like that, as none of us would, but he accepted it.  Jesus was quiet because he accepted God’s plan.

Jesus was quiet because he did not need to defend himself.  He understood that his enemies were doing everything they could to shame and humiliate him, but he did not need to have the last word.  He was not worried about being misunderstood.  Jesus knew who he was, the beloved Son of God, and nothing anyone thought or said would change that.  Jesus was quiet because he did not need to defend himself.

Jesus was quiet because he knew that what mattered most was not what he said but what he did.  What he did was to sacrifice himself for you and for me and for every person who ever lived.  What he did was to be the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world  What he did was to pay the debt we could not pay.  What he did was to be the perfect offering who restores us to a right relationship with our Creator.

Jesus was silent as he went to his death.  That is why the Bible says, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth.  Like a lamb led tot he slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, he did not open his mouth.”  Jesus remained silent.  And we, in return, look on in silent awe.