The Bible says, “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”  Timing is everything.  There is a right time and a wrong time for everything, including a right time and a wrong time to live out your life’s purpose.

We begin by noting that God created an orderly universe.  There is a pace and a rhythm to the world.  One season follows another.  There is a right time for planting and a right time for the harvest.  The sabbath is important because it sustains the schedule that God ordained.  We rebel against God when we try to control time.  We need to move at the pace of God’s world.

This might not be the right time to live out your life’s purpose.  Maybe you are not ready, and need to put more time in preparation.  Maybe the world is not ready to receive what you have to offer.  Maybe you have obligations at home right now.  We shouldn’t be discouraged if it’s not the right time to live out our purpose.  There is a right time, but maybe it is not right now.

On the other hand, maybe this is the right time to live out your purpose.  There are sins of commission but there are also sins of omission.  Sometimes the Bible counsels patience but other times it counsels urgency.  We make a mistake when we pass up opportunities to fulfill what God has planned for our lives.

In our sermon this Sunday we will talk about the timing  of our purpose.