Jesus said, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to a mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move.”  You may have a mountain you need to move.  Maybe you heard a diagnosis from the doctor that will change the way you live.  That’s a mountain.  Maybe your rent is going up two hundred dollars and you can’t afford it but you can’t afford to move, either.  That’s a mountain.  Maybe you have a business or a ministry of some type but you lack the funds for operating expenses.  That’s a mountain.

What happens when you push against a mountain?  Nothing.  You are helpless.  You are powerless.  Some problems in this life you can solve.  You think calmly and analyze the situation.  You make a plan.  Maybe you watch a You Tube video for some instruction.  Some problems are more like hills than mountains.  When you can solve them, you feel better about yourself.  However, some mountains are really mountains.  They don’t move.

Powerful faith is when you start to trust that God can move mountains.  Powerful faith is when you start to believe that God can do all things.  To us, it’s a mountain.  To God, it’s no big deal.  It’s not our faith that moves a mountain.  And the mountain does not move itself.  God  moves the mountain, if that is his will.  And sometimes he wills.  When you start to trust that, now you have powerful faith.

Jesus said, “faith the size of a mustard seed.”  A mustard seed is very small.  Maybe you don’t need all the faith in the world.  Maybe you just need a little more than you have now.  What would it look like if your faith grew just one size?   Whatever your situation, it may not require as much faith as you may think.  God can move the mountain, and when you understand that, it is powerful.  Powerful faith.