At some point, you decide you want to do more than merely survive.  At some point, you decide you want to thrive.  Jesus had a phrase for it.  He called it the abundant life.

The abundant life is moving past the basic survival goals.  The abundant life is living to the fullest.  We find it when we use our God-given gifts in service of others.  It is the byproduct of a life lived faithfully to God.

Some ways lead to the abundant life and some do not.   It matters how you live.  If you spend time with God, if you work hard, if you are a person of integrity, and if you are kind to people, you have a much better chance of winding up with the life you really want.

There is one clear, single way to the abundant life, and that way is Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the gate to the life we want.  Jesus is the access to the life God intends for you.  Jesus is God himself.   When you are ready to do more than get by, when you really want to live, then you are ready to hear that Jesus is the way to the abundant life.